Pitong Dalagita

Ipinaskil ni Anonymous

One eventful Sunday morning, seven teenagers-- six girls and one boy, are found lying on the playground inside a public high school with their wrists slashed.

An investigation leads the guidance counselor to the dark secrets that these teenagers keep: their personal desires, fears, insecurities and self-hatred.

Intriguingly, what starts as a simple love triangle leads to intertwined relationships of emotional interdependence, as the seven principal characters unravel their points of view on how events led to the final act of self-mutilation.

Directed by Crisaldo Pablo

Angelica Panganiban
Yasmien Kurdi
Nadine Samonte
Valerie Concepcion
Cristine Reyes
Iwa Moto

Windows Media PlayerQuickTimeRealPlayerWinamp

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