The Promise

Ipinaskil ni Anonymous

A grandfather is walking along the beach when his grandchildren catch up to him and inquire about the lighthouse that looks over the waters. He replies by telling them that the lighthouse is older than he himself and tells him a story about it. The story is about a young girl named Andrea (Angel Locsin)and her older brother Jason whose parents work in a sugar cane field of a family called the De Veras. One day, Andrea finds a dirty boy hiding out in their truck. She screams for help and her father comes along, pities the boy and takes him in as his own son.

As the years go by and the children get older, Andrea and the boy, Daniel (Richard Gutierrez) grow very fond of each other while Jason becomes jealous of Daniel because of how much attention he has gotten from his family. One day Jason and Daniel got into a fight when their parents weren't home and Jason beat him up and told him that he'd be sleeping outside that night. Andrea goes out to comfort Daniel and the two imply that they love each other, despite their young age. The two play together and pretend to get married: Andrea is the bride, Daniel the groom and the De Vera's daughter, Monique,(Rhian Ramos) is the bridesmaid. Monique complains that she is always the bridesmaid and now she wants to have her turn at marrying Daniel. One day, Andrea's parents have news that they're moving into the hacienda behind the De Vera mansion and Jason, disappointed that he won't actually be living in the big house, runs away swearing to one day get rid of Daniel for good.

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