The story revolves around five people, Stephanie (Angelica Panganiban), who is about to get married to Harold (Tom Rodriguez). Her mother (Cherry Pie Picache) picked on the date when the solar eclipse shall occur. Precy (Eugene Domingo) is a feisty lawyer who was picked as the godmother of the bride. Medelyn (Tuesday Vargas) is a sacrificial nanny to her troubled ward. Bien (Jaime Fabregas) is a hypersexual paternal grandfather of Harold. Toffee is a desperate image stylist. Upon traveling for the wedding, they are travelling the Magnetic Hill. When the eclipse happened, an accident occurred. Precy's soul went to Medelyn. Medelyn's soul went into Bien. Bien's went to Toffee. Toffee's went to Stefanie and Stefanie's went to Precy. On the day of her wedding, Precy who has the soul of Stefanie seek the help of Kim Atienza. The solar eclipse happens once every two years. The five waited two years for the eclipse to happen. After two years, they attempt to repeat the accident on the Magnetic Hill. On the first attempt, Stefanie has the soul of Medelyn, Precy has the soul of Bien, Medelyn has the soul of Toffee, Toffee has the soul of Precy and Bien has the soul of Stefanie. On the second attempt, Stefanie was with the soul of Bien, Precy has the soul of Toffee, Bien has the soul of Precy, Toffee has the soul of Medelyn and Medelyn has the soul of Stefanie. When they attempt for the third time, Stefanie has the soul of Precy, who has the soul of Medelyn, who has the soul of Bien, who has the soul of Toffee, who has the soul of Stefanie. They were back to normal on the fourth and final attempt.
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